Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Day at the BarkMore......

It's doggie day care day!

Henry and I love to go to the BarkMore. We have each other for company at home, and the dad comes home every day to see us at lunch time. And, in the summers, the mom is home. But we LOVE to go to day care, the mom calls it our luxury - I think that means we get to go once a week just because we like it so much.

Look where we are!
Once we realize that's where the Subaru has taken us, we get so excited that the mom can hardly get hold of our leashes to get us out of the car. We are so happy to be there that we drag her up the ramp to the front door. As we go in, Henry takes off and runs through the building to size up the potential playmates for the day. I make a bee line to the office.

Henry gets to play with lots of other dogs. When I say he plays, I mean he really plays. Every minute, all day long. When one dog gets tired of playing with him, he finds another. He sleeps better at home for a whole week!

While Henry is playing with the other dogs, I am being pampered by the nice people. Since I really don't like big dogs (and most dogs are bigger than me) I usually jump up on the desk and watch Henry make his rounds. The people talk to me and hold me in their lap. I often have to yap to make sure all the other dogs are minding their manners. The mom checks the BarkMore's facebook page all day to see if they post a picture of us being precious and playful.
Henry, go play!

Sleep tight, Henry!
As much as we love it, though, we are still happy to see the mom come back at the end of the day. We're ready to go home and be with our family and rest up for our next adventure.

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